
Blasphemous in a sentence
Blasphemous in a sentence

blasphemous in a sentence

Later a higher court investigated and found that she had been manipulated by this man and her status and WhatsApp messages were misused entirely. This young girl was embroiled in a situation where she was being used by a family member who was misusing the blasphemy laws to gain revenge against her. In Pakistan, being an Islamic state, it is is illegal to post any content that is blasphemous against Allah Ta’ala or the Holy Prophet (s).

blasphemous in a sentence

This type of negative usage of one’s words as well as statuses that are inappropriate took a different turn recently when a Pakistan court sentenced a woman to death over WhatsApp Blasphemy.

blasphemous in a sentence

Screengrabs are often shared without permission and has often been the cause for many family disagreements and squabbles, as well as workplace miscommunication or in house issues becoming exacerbated through the sharing of messages that might not have been intended for said person. WhatsApp messaging and other messaging apps are famous for the forwarding buttons and have built a culture of private messages being sent without the permission of the person writing the message.

Blasphemous in a sentence