I tried to re install the English Patch but I am now getting a System40.exe error with this “The program can’t start because ijl15.dll is missing from your computer” I’ve tried to re install again and it keeps coming up, any suggestions on how to fix this? Can someone PLZ post me a link to a good guide/walkthrough for this game. The first time I tried the English patch it installed correctly and started up, it went to a small intro with a girl then it stopped and said system40 error with untranslated words below it, with no other option but to press ok. After that, just click the desktop icon, start the game, play, enjoy. A setup will appear and you can just install the game like you would with any normal game. The rest ist relatively easy come back to this website, click the “DA-free: English patch download” directly beneath the game download and repeat step 3 with the “Sengoku_Rance_English().exe.” After you successfully downloaded it, double click in your download list to run it (sometimes it runs automatically, nevermind). Your computer is now officially fooled into believing you actually own the Sengoku Rance CD. The folder you extracted them to should now contain a file that ends.iso Time to open “Daemon Tools” (basically a program that creates virtual disc drives)->click “Add Image” ->search for the folder you just extracted the stuff to and double click the.iso file ->it should now be in your “image library” in daemon tools ->just double click again to mount it. You just have to “put the 15 pieces together” to make it work: Open WinRar->search for the “” file you just downloaded (if you can´t find it just double click it in your browser´s download list to jump directly there) ->right click ->choose “Extract files.” ->choose an nice place to extract them to (maybe create a desktop folder called “Sengoku Rance” and put it there you can also just click ok to use default location) ->drink tea and wait. Now comes the tricky part: You got the entire game on your hard drive. Only once you got all of them, you can procceed. Now I hope you brought some time, because you will be repeating step 3 with all the other 14 links as well. You will have to enter a captcha and wait two minutes until you can start the download (make sure you chose WinRar archiver to open it it should be default though) depending on your net connection that may take a while, the files are not exactly small. Now for the actual download: Scroll upward->click DA-free: Game Download ->click the first link. Installer Serveur Ftp Windows Server 2012.

If you don´t have it yet, you need “Daemon Tools” (check the FAQ on this site for download link and detailed installation guide it´s also free if you choose the lite version, which is more than enough for this) 3. If you don´t have it yet, you need “WinRar” (search google, first result, download, install, it´s free). Well, I could try^^ (Though be warned, there is no such thing as a failproof download method there are individual differences depending on your machine and something always goes wrong) 1.